Thursday 30 October 2014

Overnight Beauty Tips

Overnight Beauty Tips

1. Soft Feet: Use Vaseline or warm olive oil to massage your feet, cover them with socks to treat dry, rough feet overnight.

2. Moisturized lips: Wake up to kissable lips by using a thin layer of sweet almond oil over the lips before going to bed.

3. Moisturize: Cleanse and exfoliate to deep clean the skin from dirt and makeup, follow up with a good moisturizing process to rejuvenate your skin overnight. Use a small drop of vitamin e oil under  your night cream to wake up to a  radiant glow. For an all natural night cream use olive oil and massage it into your skin before going to bed.

4. Cuticle/ Nail Care: Soften the cuticles overnight by using a small amount of coconut oil to moisturize the cuticles and strengthen the nails.

5. Eyebrow/ eyelash growth: Moisturize and condition your eyebrows and eyelashes to make them grow longer and stronger by using castor oil.

6. Hair Care: For a healthy hair and better sleep massage a small amount of warm hair oil into your roots. Use your finger tips to gently massage in circular motion for faster hair growth.

7. Split ends: To treat dry, split ends use vitamin e oil to nourish and condition the ends overnight to wake up to smooth ends.

8. Eye care: Massage a small amount of almond oil around your eyes using your ring finger to treat dark circles and fines lines.

9. Soft hands: exfoliate the hands using a homemade scrub using olive oil and brown sugar. Massage in a small amount of hand cream or vitamin e oil and slip them into some soft gloves  to wake up to softer, smoother and younger looking hands.

10. Satin beauty: Sleeping on a satin pillow reduces friction to prevent breakage and frizzy hair. It is great for your skin too satin pillow reduces the stress on the skin so you won’t wake up to sleep lines.

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