Tuesday 18 November 2014

Mom's Beauty Tips

Mom's Beauty Tips 


For mommy's to look pretty and beautiful is some what more challenging.  You have to adjust your look to be pretty and fresh, stylish but comfortable.  Here are some tips to make you look and feel pretty.  

1.      Keep a stash of makeup and a few accessories in your purse. It's amazing how even a quick swipe of lipstick or slipping on a cute headband can make you look and feel more pulled together.
2.      To create a more of a bright eye, due to lack of sleep try, using a soft, white / pale liner, gently trace the inner corner of your eye. Then, using a pale shimmer shadow, soften that "V" and extend it a bit toward the inner part of the bridge of your nose. You'll lighten up the eye area and draw attention away from dark circles.
3.      There are four spots (aside from under your eyes) where concealer can do a sleepy face a world of good, the sides of your nose (next to your eyes, where concealer can lend extra brightening) and the outer corners of your eyes, nostrils, and mouth (three prime locations for sleep deprivation-induced darkness).
4.      Brush in a brow gel-upward, of course to lighten and lift the brow bone with a subtle, pale shimmer shadow. Avoid a high-shine frost, because it highlights every flaw and follicle.
5.      Stock up on dry shampoo, spray in some of this magic potion to absorb oil, add texture, and smell. These sprays contain oil-zapping ingredients like oat or rice powder, and they really do work. If your hair is very oily, you will want to bring a travel size along in case you need refreshing. As a bonus, shampooing less helps preserve hair color and saves your locks from daily heat styling.
6.      Get a great haircut, if you don’t have time to style your hair every day. This will mean that you have to embrace your natural texture no matter what it is. It also means you should opt for a more organic, less fussy style.
7.      Prioritize, when it comes to skincare, everyone knows they should moisturize and use sunscreen. However, you should also do your best to add exfoliation to your routine. It’s essential to healthy, brighter, younger-looking skin. If you don’t have a lot of time to do your makeup, I’d reach for concealer, mascara, and blush first, as they’ll have the biggest impact for most people.
8.      Choose products that do double duty, Eliminating steps helps to make daily maintenance just a tiny bit more manageable. For example, a tinted moisturizer that contains SPF protection is three products in one and will really save you a lot of time.
9.      Be on the lookout for all sorts of ways to cut corners. These days you can self-tan while you moisturize, protect hair from heat styling while adding shine, and treat your face to a scrub and masque combo.


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